Ever feel like you’re spending hours scrolling through social media, trying to understand how to create your social media strategy but not actually getting anywhere with finding new clients for your coaching business? We’ve all been there!

As a coach, you know the power of helping people, but with so many platforms out there – LinkedIn, Instagram, the list goes on – it’s hard to know where to focus your energy.

Should you be on LinkedIn or Instagram or both? Today, we’ll break down the two big players, LinkedIn and Instagram.  We’ll show you the pros and cons of each, so you can pick the one that best helps you connect with the people who need your coaching magic the most.

No more feeling lost in this social media maze!  Let’s find the platform that gets you those new clients that you deserve.  Ready to stop scrolling and start connecting? 

Keep reading!

Understanding Your Ideal Client:

The Foundation of Platform Choice

Before diving headfirst into any platform, it’s essential to understand who your ideal client is. This involves creating a buyer persona that details their demographics (age, profession, location), online behaviour (where they spend their time online), and pain points (the challenges you can help them overcome).

For instance, if you offer executive or business coaching services, LinkedIn becomes a natural choice. This platform thrives on professional connections, making it a goldmine for reaching high-level decision-makers.

On the other hand, if you specialise in social media consulting or even relationship coaching, Instagram might be a better fit. Its large user base and visual-centric approach allow you to showcase your expertise in an engaging way.


The Established Hub for Professionals

LinkedIn has carved a niche as the go-to platform for professionals and businesses. Here’s what makes it so powerful for coaches and consultants:

  • Strengths:
    • B2B Focus: LinkedIn is all about building business connections. This laser-sharp focus makes it perfect for coaches and consultants targeting other businesses.
    • Content Depth: Unlike the fleeting nature of posts on other platforms, LinkedIn allows for in-depth content sharing. You can publish articles, long-form posts, and white papers to establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.
    • Targeted Networking: LinkedIn Groups connect you with professionals in specific niches. This allows you to participate in targeted discussions, showcase your expertise, and build relationships with potential clients.
    • Credibility Boosters: Recommendations and endorsements from satisfied clients and colleagues add social proof and bolster your credibility on LinkedIn.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Limited Visual Appeal: While LinkedIn is improving its visual capabilities, it isn’t primarily a platform for eye-catching graphics.
    • Organic Reach: The sheer volume of content on LinkedIn can make it challenging to get your posts seen organically. Paid advertising options are available, but require strategic use.
    • Formal Tone: The overall atmosphere on LinkedIn leans towards professionalism. While personality is still important, humour and lightheartedness might not resonate as well as on other platforms.


The Visual Powerhouse for Engagement

Instagram, with its vibrant visuals, videos, live sessions and focus on storytelling, offers a different set of advantages for coaches and consultants:

  • Strengths:
    • Visual Fun Storytelling: Eye-catching infographics, inspirational quotes, and client testimonials come alive on Instagram. This allows you to connect with your audience on an emotional level and make a lasting impression.
    • Engagement Features: Stories, Lives and Reels are powerful tools for fostering engagement with your audience. You can host Q&A sessions, offer bite-sized coaching tips, and share behind-the-scenes glimpses to build a more personal brand.
    • Broad Reach: Instagram boasts a massive user base, increasing your potential to reach a wider audience compared to LinkedIn.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Content Depth Limitations: While captions can be informative, and you can share long in-depth information in parts, Instagram isn’t ideal for sharing in-depth content.
    • B2C Focus: Traditionally, Instagram has been a B2C (business-to-consumer) platform. However, B2B connections are growing, and there are ways to cater to a professional audience with the right strategy.
    • Focus on Aesthetics: The emphasis on visually appealing content can be a double-edged sword. It can attract potential clients, but it can also feel overwhelming to create if you’re not comfortable with the curated and aesthetically-driven nature of the platform.

Content Strategy & Engagement

Regardless of the platform you choose, a well-defined content strategy and consistent engagement are crucial for success. Here are some tips:

On LinkedIn:

  • Share industry insights: Publish articles on relevant topics, participate in discussions, and showcase your expertise. Write your opinions on Industry Trends and encourage participation. 
  • Post success stories: Highlight client testimonials and case studies to demonstrate the value you provide. You can also add infographics that showcase numbers for your case studies. Of course, don’t forget to get client consent before posting any reports online. 
  • Host Q&A sessions: Consider using LinkedIn Live or written posts to answer audience questions and build trust.

On Instagram:

  • Create visually appealing content: Use high-quality images, infographics, and quotes to grab attention.
  • Offer quick coaching tips: Use Stories and Highlights to share bite-sized coaching advice or answer common questions. You can even add them to an IG guide. 
  • Go behind the scenes: Give your audience a glimpse into your life and work process to build a personal connection.
  • Run contests and giveaways: This is a great way to increase engagement and attract new followers. You can offer shorter lead magnets and even add the followers to a newsletter funnel. 

Engagement is Key!

Remember, on both platforms, it’s not just about broadcasting content. Actively engage with your audience by responding to comments, participating in relevant discussions, and joining conversations in LinkedIn Groups. This two-way communication fosters trust and builds relationships, ultimately leading to potential clients.

Examples of Success:

Learning from the Best

Seeing how established coaches and consultants leverage each platform can be highly valuable. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Marie Forleo: This life coach has a thriving presence on Instagram. Her feed is a vibrant mix of inspirational quotes, motivational videos, and behind-the-scenes glimpses, all delivered in a warm and engaging style.
  • Tony Robbins: This motivational powerhouse uses LinkedIn to solidify his position as a thought leader. He shares insightful articles on peak performance, personal growth, and business strategies.  Robbins also actively participates in industry discussions and groups, establishing a strong network of professionals and potential clients.
  • Jay Shetty: This former monk turned life coach has mastered the art of storytelling on Instagram. His feed is a vibrant blend of inspirational quotes, thought-provoking videos, and bite-sized wisdom shots. He uses Instagram Stories to connect with his audience on a personal level, fostering a sense of community and trust. 

Some FAQs: 

  • Can I use both platforms? 

Absolutely! Many coaches and consultants leverage the strengths of both LinkedIn and Instagram to establish a well-rounded online presence. You can tailor your content strategy to each platform to reach a wider audience and achieve different goals.

  • Which platform is best for building authority? 

LinkedIn generally has a reputation for being a more credible platform. Sharing in-depth content, articles, and industry insights can help establish you as an expert in your field.

  • How often should I post?

Consistency is key! Aim for 2-3 times a week on each platform, but the optimal frequency can depend on your content strategy and audience engagement.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the LinkedIn vs. Instagram debate. The best platform for you depends on your ideal client, content strategy, and overall goals.  You can also experiment with both platforms to see where you gain the most traction and engagement and focus your efforts on that one. 

Take some time to define your ideal client and explore both LinkedIn and Instagram. Experiment with different content formats and see how your audience responds. With dedication and a well-defined strategy, you can leverage the power of social media to build a thriving coaching or consulting business!

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget about other platforms like X (Twitter) or YouTube. While they might not be the first choices for all coaches and consultants, depending on your niche and target audience, they could be valuable additions to your social media mix.

If you’re looking to start your social media journey, we are here to help you propel towards sustainable impact and growth! Leave us a query and let’s get started today!

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