LinkedIn has evolved beyond just a professional networking platform; it has become a powerhouse for businesses to market themselves and of course, brand building.

With the ever-changing landscape of social media and digital marketing, it’s crucial for businesses to have a well-structured LinkedIn marketing strategy in 2024.

A must read: 11 Steps Linkedin Marketing Strategy & Ready to Use Daily Action Plan

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step plan to create a focused LinkedIn marketing strategy that can help your business thrive in the coming year.

So let’s get right into it! 

1) Set Clear Objectives:

Before diving into any marketing strategy, it’s essential to establish clear and specific objectives. Why should you do this first? Well, it gives you something to aim for.

It’s easy to get carried away while creating your marketing strategy and this results in not being aligned to your overall vision. So set objectives that align with your business goals. 

What do you want to achieve out of LinkedIn? Do you want to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or establish thought leadership in your industry? Defining your objectives will guide your entire LinkedIn marketing strategy.

2) Understand Your Target Audience:

Knowing your target audience is fundamental to a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy. Take the time to create detailed buyer personas that encompass demographics, job titles, pain points, and interests.

This information will enable you to tailor your content and messaging to resonate with your ideal audience.

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3) Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile:

Your company’s LinkedIn profile serves as the face of your business on the platform. Ensure that your profile is complete, professional, and visually appealing.

Use a high-resolution logo and cover image, and write a compelling company description that highlights your unique value proposition. Include relevant keywords to enhance discoverability.

4) Build a Strong Company Page:

A robust company page is vital for brand representation and credibility on LinkedIn. Make sure your page includes essential information like your company’s mission, products/services, and contact details.

Regularly update your page with fresh content, including company updates, industry news, and engaging visuals.

Recommended read: Why is a Landing Page one of the most important steps for Digital Marketing?

5) Content Strategy:

Creating valuable and engaging content is at the heart of any effective LinkedIn marketing strategy. Consider the following types of content:

a. Thought Leadership Posts: Share your industry expertise and insights through well-researched and informative articles.

b. Visual Content: Use eye-catching images, infographics, and videos to grab your audience’s attention and convey your message effectively.

c. Employee Advocacy: Encourage your employees to share company updates and industry-related content to expand your reach.

6) Content Calendar:

A content calendar helps you stay organised and consistent in your LinkedIn marketing efforts. Plan your content in advance, aligning it with relevant events, holidays, and industry trends. Consistency is key to building a loyal LinkedIn audience.

7) LinkedIn Advertising:

If you’re considering paid advertising, LinkedIn offers various advertising options to reach your target audience more effectively:

a. Sponsored Content: Promote your posts to a broader audience.

b. Sponsored InMail: Send personalised messages to your target audience.

c. Display Ads: Use visual ads to increase brand visibility.

d. Video Ads: Create engaging video content to capture your audience’s attention.

8) LinkedIn Analytics:

Without data and tracking, how your profile is performing is just an opinion. Numbers make them facts. If you want to make sure you’re doing well, track the performance of your LinkedIn marketing with the help of LinkedIn Analytics.

Analyse metrics such as engagement, reach, and click-through rates to evaluate the effectiveness of your content and campaigns. Make tweaks to your strategy based on the insights you get.

9) Employee Engagement:

Encourage your employees to engage with your LinkedIn content by liking, sharing, and commenting. Nothing amplifies your brand reach and boosts your brand’s identity like employee satisfaction and advocacy. 

10) LinkedIn Groups:

Participating in LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry can help you connect with like-minded professionals and potential clients. Share your expertise, join discussions, and establish your authority in these groups.

11) LinkedIn Showcase Pages:

If your business has multiple product lines or services, consider creating showcase pages dedicated to each. This allows you to target specific audiences with tailored content and updates.

Explore further: Using LinkedIn Analytics to gain B2B Audience

12) LinkedIn Influencer Collaborations:

Collaborating with LinkedIn influencers who align with your industry and target audience can help you reach a broader and more engaged audience.

Identify and engage with influencers who can help promote your brand.

Tools for Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy:

To streamline and enhance your LinkedIn marketing efforts, consider using the following tools:

  • Buffer: Schedule and manage your LinkedIn posts, analyze performance, and gain insights.
  • Hootsuite: An all-in-one social media management platform that allows you to schedule posts, monitor mentions, and track analytics.
  • Canva: Create eye-catching visuals and graphics for your LinkedIn posts and company page.
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: A premium tool for lead generation and prospecting on LinkedIn.
  • Google Analytics: Monitor website traffic generated from LinkedIn and track conversions.

You can find an extensive list of tools that will make your digital journey an easy one at Toolcano! 

A focused LinkedIn marketing strategy, grounded in clear objectives, targeted content, and data-driven decision-making, can lead to significant success on the platform.

In 2024, LinkedIn remains a critical platform for businesses to build brand awareness, connect with their target audience, and drive lead generation.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the recommended tools, your business can make the most of LinkedIn’s potential and stay ahead in the competitive landscape of B2B marketing.

We Think North
We Think North

This piece was collaboratively written by multiple members of the We Think North team, bringing you perspectives from across the branding, marketing, content and tech verticals.