Home 9 Case Studies 9 Case Study 3: How we helped Physis evolve to a digital-first model in the face of the pandemic

How we helped Physis evolve to a digital-first model in the face of the pandemic

The Client

Physis is an organisation that offers transformational leadership coaching and training to individuals, teams and organisations. The organisation is spearheaded by its founder, Sailaja Manacha, who brings together generative leadership and psychology to create truly unique coaching methodologies indeed.

The Goal

Physis’ founder Sailaja first approached us back in 2019 to promote her newly launched book, Step Up. We rose to the challenge and soon the book became a bestseller across 5 categories on Amazon. Happy with these results, Sailaja got back to us, and asked us to rebrand and manage the digital marketing efforts for Physis. We were in the process of doing so when the pandemic hit and the world went into indefinite lockdowns. Physis, which was largely driven by in-person training sessions, faced an uncertain future. Sailaja knew she had to change her business model and turned to us for recommendations.

The Needs We Identified

  • The immediate requirement to shift from an in-person to a digital model to maintain business continuity.
  • The need to map audience sentiments and chart out a strategy for the future, even in uncertain times.
  • The importance of continuing digital marketing efforts – but this time, to promote the evolved strategy.

 The Challenges We Faced

  • Financial reality. Although there was a huge wave of interest in self-development programs, most people were going through financial uncertainties. We helped Sailaja carry out a price refresh on her programs in a way that would be affordable for the audience and would also help Physis remain financially viable in their operations.

  • A mindset roadblock. Programs like Step Up were targeted at mid-level women professionals – a group that typically hesitates to spend on themselves. We helped overcome this by highlighting the tangible benefits of investing in self-development and leadership programs.

  • The physical-to-digital transition. The most important challenge was to ensure that Sailaja was comfortable navigating this new model. Body language and unspoken cues are crucial for coaches, so we had to ensure that Sailaja was familiarised with the digital platform so as to be able to read these cues confidently.

Our Solutions

Given the uncertainty and panic that people were going through, we saw a very real need in the world for Sailaja’s expertise as a psychotherapist and professional coach. We knew it was the right time for her to go live with her very first digital offering. The result was a marquee program called The Good Selfish.

  • Building the program. We worked collaboratively with Sailaja to structure this new program in a way that would work best in the context of the times. We decided to conduct this program through 10 live sessions of 30 minutes each.

  • Making it relevant. We identified the areas in which people needed help, and built our topics around that. We also decided to make this a complementary program, in recognition of the financial strains of the time.

  • Promoting the program. We worked on a communication strategy that would be inviting without being pushy. We created reminders, auto response emails and everything else that was needed to build a seamless user experience.

  • Taking it live. We assisted Sailaja as she entered the digital training space for the first time. We co-conducted the sessions with her, helping to take questions and streamline the delivery.

The Results

  • The Good Selfish went viral with over 1000+ registrations.
  • We hosted 300 – 400 participants live on every session.
  • Sailaja’ reputation in the industry was firmly established as a unique coach at the cusp of generative leadership and psychology.
  • She was able to expand her program portfolio to include more offerings.
  • We subsequently helped Physis launch paid courses like Step Up (the digital course on women leadership), which recorded 80+ participants, and S.A.L.T. (a relational intelligence program), which saw 40+ sign ups.

Client Testimonial

Anuradha and the team have taken care of the execution of my social media strategy for the last 2 years. Anu takes the trouble to understand her clients’ business, audience, and challenges in order to support all deliverables. They have worked with the brand aesthetic for my website and other creatives, been proactive and timely, and are very open to feedback which is how a true partner should be. Anu’s open and attentive involvement is an asset to anyone she partners with and I happily recommend We Think North.

– Sailaja Manacha, Founder, Physis

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